In the life of the Presbyterian Church of Victoria (PCV) the Church is committed to ensuring that all of our congregations and organisations are safe in every respect for everyone within them. Safe Church PCV is the PCV’s expression of this commitment. Further, the Safe Church Policy and Code of Conduct form the foundation of this commitment. Finally, Safe Church procedure and practice are our practical outworking of this commitment. Safe Church applies to every individual, congregation and organisation within the PCV.
Safeguarding through our Safe Church PCV programme is an expression of Christ’s love for everyone we encounter in our ministries.
In the life of the Presbyterian Church of Victoria (PCV) the Church is committed to ensuring that all of our congregations and organisations are safe in every respect for everyone within them. Safe Church PCV is the PCV’s expression of this commitment. Further, the Safe Church Policy and Code of Conduct form the foundation of this commitment. Finally, Safe Church procedure and practice are our practical outworking of this commitment. Safe Church applies to every individual, congregation and organisation within the PCV.
Safeguarding through our Safe Church PCV programme is an expression of Christ’s love for everyone we encounter in our ministries.
In establishing and living out Safe Church Policy the PCV seeks to:
In 2013 the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church of Victoria agreed to establish the Safe Church Unit (SCU). The SCU commenced operations in 2014. The SCU is committed to providing all PCV congregations, presbyteries, organisations, and committees with the best possible support, advice and resources in relation to Safe Church matters, including prevention and response to child abuse and adult abuse-related issues.
The Convener of the Safe Church Committee, provides supervision of the Safe Church Unit.
The Safe Church Facilitator is responsible for
Training support - the Safe Church Facilitator is the contact person for any questions arising from the Safe Church Basic and/or Advanced Training
Safe Church best practice support and advice
Receiving Safe Church reports and concerns
Serving the Church by facilitation of response to Safe Church reports and concerns, including external referrals and reporting
record keeping
Safe Church support and advice for PCV ministers, elders and other leaders
Liaison with relevant government departments and authorities in regards to Safe Church matters
National Redress Scheme response
The Safe Church Compliance & Administration Officer, Mr Ashley Manly, works Monday, Thursday and Friday 9am - 5pm and is responsible for
Working With Children Checks and Compliance Audit Schedule enquiries and compliance
compliance accreditation for PCV churches, organisations and individuals, including issuing of certificates
training compliance enquiries and support
administering Volunteer Approval Process applications
handling Safe Church material requests, including requests for manuals and brochures
The Safe Church Committee is the General Assembly of Victoria designated committee for Safe Church PCV. The Safe Church Committee provides oversight and governance of the Safe Church Unit and reports annually to the General Assembly of Victoria on the Safe Church programme, proposing deliverances to the Assembly to aid the continuous improvement of preventing and responding to abuse in the PCV and the safety of children in the Church. The annual report of the Safe Church Committee is published in the public record of the Assembly, known as the Blue Book, which may be accessed here The Safe Church Committee regulations are here
Each year the Safe Church Unit reviews and evaluates the Safe Church programme, seeking to improve safe ministry in the PCV, and, in particular, child safe practices. The Safe Church Committee provides oversight and governance of this regular process.
Ministers, paid ministry workers, volunteers, families, children and youth are welcome to provide feedback to their own church leadership about the children’s and youth ministries and child safe practices in their church and can also contact the Safe Church Unit about implementation of the Child Safe Standards via the PCV Safe Church programme.
The Safe Church Panel of Reference, a sub-committee of the Committee, consults in reference to particular complaints and related procedure whenever required.
Implementing Safe Church Policy
Working With Children Check Compliance and Child Safe Standards implementation
Reporting requirements, including:
child abuse and/or concerns of child abuse
risk of significant harm/danger to children and adults
reportable conduct - including the Victorian Reportable Conduct Scheme
sexual misconduct
conduct that breaches the Safe Church Code of Conduct.
Compliance auditing
Responding to abuse concerns and allegations; case facilitation
Risk assessment, prevention and management in relation to abuse, including risk management strategies focusing on preventing, identifying and mitigating risks to the safety of children under 18 in the PCV
Safe Church Training for all those in authority or working with children under 18 in any capacity within congregations and organisations within the PCV
Assistance for personnel, congregations and organisations within the church in relation to Safe Church matters, including the provision of resources, confidential help in relation to the Victorian Department of Families, Fairness and Housing - Child Protection and civil authorities, and an effective “help line” for support when dealing with these matters
Referral to a counselling service appropriate for people affected by abuse within the church
Interdenominational cooperation on abuse issues
Historical abuse reporting and resolution - the PCV welcomes historical complaints and understands that the denomination has a moral responsibility in such cases and seeks to work with complainants towards resolution and healing
Resources for safe ministry - including resources to encourage our children in their participation in the Church
Safe Ministry Practices (including specific Child Safe Ministry resources)
For a PCV church to be Safe Church Compliant the church must have:
Appointed a Safe Church Representative
Completed and returned the Compliance Audit Schedule to the SCU
Completed and returned the Working With Children Check Records (with all appropriate personnel having a WWCC) to SCU
Have had appropriate personnel undertake Safe Church training
Compliant churches are able to be issued with a Compliance Certificate which may be displayed at the church. Email the Safe Church Unit for details.
The Victorian Child Safe Standards
All organisations in Victoria that work with children must comply with the Child Safe Standards. For further information about how the PCV complies with the Child Safe Standards via the PCV Safe Church programme, please contact the Safe Church Facilitator.