Safe Church Training

This page provides information about Safe Church PCV training in safe ministry practices and abuse prevention and response. It contains the following sections:

safe church training for the pcv

The purpose of Safe Church Training in the PCV is to educate, support and train all people in paid and volunteer ministry roles in practicing safe ministry and godly governance, to safeguard adults and children from abuse in the Church. Through the training programme the PCV champions and models a Christian, Bible-based, child safe culture at all levels of the Church, from the top down and bottom up.

The governance arrangements of the PCV, through both the PCV Code Book and the General Assembly of Victoria Safe Church programme, mandate the completion of Safe Church Training for specific roles within the Church (see below).

The Safe Church Training structure is as follows:

1. PCV Basic Training - completed first and once only by all people in ministry roles as described in the information section below.

2. PCV Online Safe Church Refresher Course - a short online presentation to be viewed once every twelve months and updated accordingly, completed by all people in ministry roles as described in the information section above.

3. PCV Advanced Training is for designated senior leaders only - ministers, elders, bible study leaders, pastoral carers/deacons, and heads of ministries - for example, youth group, Sunday School, music ministry, etc. ***Board Members do not need to attend this training.

There is no cost for course participation. Both Basic and Advanced Training are delivered via congregational In-House training events held in PCV churches. Contact your Safe Church Representative for further information OR see the Basic and Advanced Training calendar dates as listed on this page.

Contact the SCU for a completion of training certificate should you require one.

A person who is commencing in a role in the PCV which requires Basic and/or Advanced Training, has 12 months to complete the training from the time of commencing in the role. A person must complete the relevant training within the 12 months in order to remain in the role and, if the role is PCV Code Book nominated role, in order to satisfy the Safe Church PCV requirements for that role.

If you are interested in attending a Safe Church Basic Training session and you do not attend a PCV church please contact SCU

Other Recognised Basic Training

An individual who has:

  • joined a PCV church from another denomination/organisation or

  • joined a PCV church from an interstate Presbyterian Church of Australia congregation

  • and completed recognised child safe training within the last three years

must complete a Safe Church Training Recognition Form declaring that they:

  • have read the PCV Safe Church Policy, Code of Conduct and Policy, Procedure and Practice Manual

  • will abide by the PCV Safe Church Policy and Code of Conduct

  • have viewed the PCV Safe Church Refresher Course

  • and they have provided written documentation from the other denomination/organisation confirming the completion date and location of their Safe Church Training course

Contact the Safe Church Unit for further details about recognised Safe Church training.

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As part of the PCV's commitment to Safe Church all people who

  • hold leadership positions, or

  • minister to children under 18, or

  • are involved in Pastoral Care

in a PCV congregation or organisation are required to complete the PCV Safe Church Basic Training Course.

This includes:

  • Ministers

  • Elders

  • Deacons

  • Bible Study Leaders

  • Music Ministry Leaders

  • Camp Committee Leaders

  • All those who work with children under 18 (e.g. Mainly Music, playgroup, Sunday School, youth groups, kids' or holiday clubs, creche and any other ministry to children under 18)

  • Pastoral Carers

  • Board Members

The two hour Basic Training course covers the implementation, procedures and practice of the Safe Church Policy and Code of Conduct in all child-related ministries and operations within the denomination. Paid staff and volunteers will not be permitted to take part in any child related ministries without completing the Safe Church Basic Training. People commencing a leadership, pastoral care or child-related role in the PCV for the first time must complete Basic Training within the first 12 months of taking on that role.

PCV churches run their own congregational In-House Basic Training through the use of a kit and the PCV Safe Church YouTube channel - administered by SCRs only and registered with SCU (see here).

Under 18's attending Basic Training

From time to time SCU receives enquiries about under 18-year-olds attending Basic Training. As the training content includes material relating to child abuse and general information about abuse it is not recommended that people aged under 18 attend. However, if a person under 18 wishes to attend they must be at least 16 years old (the age of consent in Victoria) and a signed parental permission form must be completed and returned to the Safe Church Representative prior to attendance. The form can be found here and at the Forms page.

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Basic Training Calendar 

2025 dates for Basic Training events being held at PCV churches which are hosting open congregational In-House Basic Training events, will be posted here as they are arranged.



5 McGowans Road, Donvale

9.45am - Arrive for registration

10am - 12 noon - Basic Training

RSVP by 19 March 2025



Text 0435 417 283


Saturday 5 April 2025

1 High Street Road enter from, High Street, Ashburton (corner High Street Road and High Street, Ashburton)

1.45pm - Arrive for registration

2pm - 4pm - Basic Training

RSVP by 3 April 2025



Text 0435 417 283


Sunday 6 April 2025

Werner Brodbeck Hall, Ground Floor of the Assembly Hall, 156 Collins Street, Melbourne 

Enter via the lane from Collins street with the fountain on your right and the Westpac building in front of you. There is a door on your left halfway up the lane.

1.15pm - Arrive for registration

1:30pm - 3:30pm - Basic Training

RSVP by 3 April 2025



Text 0435 417 283


Wednesday 16 April 2025

3 Church Street, Benalla

9.45am - Arrive for registration

10am - 12 noon - Basic Training

RSVP by 13 April 2025



Text 0435 417 283



26 Spence Street, Warrnambool

9.45am - Arrive for registration

10am - 12 noon - Basic Training

RSVP by 4 June 2025



Text 0435 417 283


SATURDAY 02 August 2025

15 Rossmoyne Street, Thornbury

9.45am - Arrive for registration

10am - 12 noon - Basic Training

RSVP by 30 July 2025



Text 0435 417 283

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congregational in-house basic training

Safe Church Basic Training is run in congregations following the guidelines below:

1. Safe Church Basic Training can only be held as an official congregational event approved by the Session. To be Safe Church compliant the Session must approve the running of the training event and work with the Safe Church Representative to set the date(s) and location for the training

2. A person will not be compliant with the training requirement by merely watching the video in their own time - the training must only be facilitated by the Safe Church Representative in an official congregational event with the above approval of the Session

3. The training event must be registered with the SCU prior to occurring to be Safe Church compliant (the registration form is found at step 3 of the Safe Church Basic Training Kit - see link below)

4. Use the Safe Church Basic Training Kit (see link below) to run the training event. The Basic Training video is on Youtube and an internet connection is required for these to be presented OR contact the SCU for a USB with the video on it to be sent to you

5. After the training the SCU must be notified of the completion of the event and the names of attendees


The Safe Church Basic Training Kit (including registration and notification forms, advice, instructions, material to print and links to the Basic Training videos) enables Safe Church Representatives to hold a training event. 

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Online Safe Church Refresher training

As part of the PCV's commitment to Safe Church these same people listed above are required to complete the Safe Church Refresher Training every 12 months. The Safe Church Refresher Training is a brief online presentation available at the PCV Safe Church YouTube Channel, designed to ensure adherence to Safe Church policy, procedure and practice. An offline version of the Safe Church Refresher Course is available for those people without access to the internet - contact the Safe Church Unit to have this directly posted by mail. Alternatively it can be downloaded here

Safe Church Representatives promote the Refresher Training in their congregation/organisation and direct all mandated people to view the presentation.

Click here for the online Safe Church Refresher Training

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Advanced Training

Advanced Training covers Safe Church material at a deeper level and in particular focuses on prevention and wider understandings. It is not a repeat of the Basic Training.

Who must complete advanced training?

Advanced Training is delivered to designated senior leaders in congregations and organisations with particular responsibility for leading and delivering ministry in both general and specific areas - including ministers, elders, bible study leaders, pastoral carers/deacons, and heads of ministries - for example, youth group leadership co-ordinator, Sunday School Superintendent, music ministry co-ordinator. ***Board Members do not need to attend this training.

PCV churches run their own congregational In-House Advanced Training through the use of a kit and the PCV Safe Church YouTube channel - administered by SCRs only and registered with SCU (see here).

Contact the Safe Church Unit with any enquiries.

Congregational in-house Advanced Training

Safe Church Advanced Training is run in congregations following the guidelines below:

1. Safe Church Advanced Training can only be held as an official congregational event approved by the Session. To be Safe Church compliant the Session must approve the running of the training event and work with the Safe Church Representative to set the date(s) and location for the training

2. A person will not be compliant with the training requirement by merely watching the video in their own time - the training must only be facilitated by the Safe Church Representative in an official congregational event with the above approval of the Session

3. The training event must be registered with the SCU prior to occurring to be Safe Church compliant (the registration form is found at step 3 of the Safe Church Advanced Training Kit - see link below)

4. Use the Safe Church Advanced Training Kit (see link below) to run the training event. The Advanced Training video is on Youtube and an internet connection is required for these to be presented OR contact the SCU for a USB with the video on it to be sent to you

5. After the training the SCU must be notified of the completion of the event and the names of attendees


The Safe Church Advanced Training Kit (including registration and notification forms, advice, instructions, material to print and links to the Advanced Training videos) enables Safe Church Representatives to hold a training event. 

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Advanced Training Calendar

2025 dates for Advanced Training events being held at PCV churches which are hosting open congregational In-House Advanced Training events, will be posted here as they are arranged.



5 McGowans Road, Donvale

12.30pm - Arrive for registration

12.45pm - 2.45pm - Advanced Training

RSVP by 19 March 2025



Text 0435 417 283



26 Spence Street, Warrnambool

12.45pm - Arrive for registration

1pm- 3pm - Advanced Training

RSVP by 4 June 2025



Text 0435 417 283


SATURDAY 02 August 2025

15 Rossmoyne Street, Thornbury

12.45pm - Arrive for registration

1pm- 3pm - Advanced Training

RSVP by 30 July 2025



Text 0435 417 283

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