Safe Church Forms
This page contains links to downloadable forms and documents that are relevant for compliance and implementation of Safe Church practice within PCV churches and organisations. These forms can also be used as the template for online forms (for example, as part of a church management software system).
This page also provides a link to the Victorian Government Working With Children Check application website.
Click on an individual form/document name to download and use/refer to for the creation of online forms.
This page contains the following sections:
volunteer approval process & transfer Forms - for use by safe church representatives
These forms are reviewed and updated each year to ensure compliance with the Victorian Child Safe Standards.
pcv safe church required forms for appointments and exit students
The Victorian Child Safe Standards require that organisations with children have an employment process that meets best practice for due diligence and screening. This process is to be completed by a Presbytery, Session, Committee or other Appointing Body, in the case of seeking to appoint a paid pastoral ministry worker in the Presbyterian Church of Victoria (including but not limited to, ordained ministers, home missionaries, assistant ministers, youth pastors, women’s pastoral workers etc).
There is also a screening process for Exit Students at their completion of their study and prior to their Exit Appointment. See the information below and links to the relevant forms.
Appointment Form
The form below is to be used by Presbyteries, Sessions, Committees and other Appointing Bodies in the case of such appointments. This process must take place before a person is offered the position..
Safe Church PCV Appointments Registration Form
Safe Church Role Description Template - Ordained Minister
Safe Church Role Description Template - Paid Ministry Worker
The Appointments Process must be used when a person first commences in a paid ministry role in the PCV. If the person then leaves that first PCV role and takes up a new role in another PCV church, the PCV Safe Church Transfer Registration Form must be used, as the person is transferring from one PCV church to another.
Exit Student Form
Students exiting from the Presbyterian Theological College at the completion of their study, are required to complete the Exit Student Form prior to commencing in the role. The Safe Church Unit contacts Exit Students directly to ensure this form and process is completed and will notify the Exit Student and the Session and Presbytery of the outcome of the process, prior to commencement.
Useful Ministry Forms
These forms are available for use within churches and presbyteries. There are both single-use and combined-use forms to provide a range of choices to suit the relevant context and environment.
If a particular form you need is not provided here please contact SCU for assistance.
Youth Ministries Permission Form
Children’s Ministry Permission Form
Photo & Video Consent Form (Children)
Photo & Video Consent Form (Adults & Children)
Incident Report Form for Children's/Youth Ministries
Safe Church Related Incident Report Form
Combined Church Directory & Media Release/Consent Form
Online Ministry to Children under 18 years old Permission Form*
* please note - if online ministry to children under 18 years old is going to be recorded the permission of parents must be obtained first. There is a dual permission form available for this purpose - contact the Safe Church Unit for a copy to be emailed to you.
Photo & Video Consent Form (Adults)
Youth Group Driving Only Permission Form
Church Directory Information Collection Form Template
Presbytery Contacts List Information Collection Form Template
Under 18s Basic Training Attendance Permission Form*
* please note - it is not required or recommended that under 18 year olds attend Safe Church Basic Training. This form has been provided at the request of some parents of 16-17 year olds who volunteer with children in the PCV, who wish their children to attend.
safe church compliance checklist
As a result of requests made to SCU for a Compliance Checklist form, SCU now provides this as an optional on-going self-assessment by the Safe Church Representative/Session/Presbytery on the status of a PCV church in ensuring continued Safe Church compliance.
PLEASE NOTE: This checklist is an aide to self-assessing compliance and is for internal use only and not required to be submitted to the Safe Church Unit
Compliance Checklist - Word version
Compliance Checklist - PDF version
documents for completion of compliance audit schedule - for safe church representatives
To assist Safe Church Representatives' completion of the Safe Church Compliance Audit Schedule, every 3 years, the following documents are provided. For a copy of the Compliance Audit Schedule please contact the Safe Church Unit.
For additional copies of the Safe Church PCV brochures please contact the Safe Church Unit.
Safe Church Unit Contact Details Poster - for display in the church
Safe Church Policy Poster - for display in the church
Safe Church Policy, Procedure & Practice Manual - for display in the church
Working With Children Checks Records
There are two ways the Working With Children Checks Records can be completed and returned to the Safe Church Unit:
1. Via a paper form which can be printed and filled in and then emailed or posted to the Safe Church Unit OR
2. Via an electronic version which is a spreadsheet which can be downloaded, saved and emailed to the Safe Church Unit.
Both versions are available below:
Working With Children Checks Record Form - paper version - for completion and return to the Safe Church Unit
Working With Children Checks Record Form Spreadsheet - electronic version - for completion and return to the Safe Church Unit
The Working With Children Checks Records are to please be updated and forwarded to the Safe Church Unit every year.